
Best Halloween Scene Ever? Or Is It Too Much For The Neighborhood

It’s A Crime “Seen”!

No this isn’t a real crime scene, no this isn’t a movie scene, it’s the front yard of Kristen Noelle. For Halloween this year Noelle and her family decided to spruce up the front yard!

Here is what they came up with. But the neighbors aren’t so keen on seeing such a scene on a daily basis that they called the local police with complaints. But Noelle doesn’t mind. She went on Facebook and said that officers “LOVED” the crash scene set-up and “are encouraging us to add more! They think it’s awesome.”

And her husband posted on facebook and went on to say “And it’s a free country!…stop wasting these officers time on stupid complaints over our HALLOWEEN decor when they could be out saving real lives!”

She added: “It’s all about zombies. It’s about HALLOWEEN.”


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